Creepy cat unsuccessfully taunts KFC eaters

23 March 2017

Advertiser: KFC
Creative Agency: Ogilvy (NSW)

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KFC introduces creepy cat with Ogilvy Sydney.

KFC has launched a new campaign which sees a creepy cat preying on two men, who are far too invested in their burgers to react.

From Ogilvy Sydney, “The Chicken you Love, In a Bun” will run for four weeks and pushes the Original Recipe Stacker Burger.

Ogilvy Sydney group creative director Shaun Branagan says: "When everyone - even the creepy cat next door - wants to get their paws on a KFC Original Stacker, then things go from good to bad to ugly."

The campaign will run across out-of-home, digital placements and online.

KFC individual meals marketing director Annabel Fribence says the campaign is about "unstoppable cravings".

“[It] is all about desire... we had no choice but to celebrate the undeniable desire this burger elicits. No one, man, woman or cat can escape it,” says Fribence.

KFC recently launched a new iteration of its "Shut Up and Take My Money" campaign, where a janitor teased students with fries. 

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