It may not be the noisiest agency, but Ogilvy remains one of the most powerful players in the local market. It’s also one of the biggest, boasting nearly 500 staff in Sydney and Melbourne. The agency has continued to enhance its offering with specialist shops encompassing digital, shopper marketing and innovation.
The past year has brought many changes to Ogilvy’s senior management, led by the departure of executive chairman Tom Moult. Then-chief executive Andrew Baxter landed the top job, while Michael McEwan, one of Ogilvy Group Melbourne’s three managing partners, was elevated to general manager of Badjar Ogilvy.
The following months saw it lure Steve Back as chief creative officer, followed by Peter Horovitz as Melbourne managing director. Shaun Branagan also joined as group creative director and head of digital, while Nathan Quailey was appointed Sydney general manager.
On the client side, Ogilvy landed accounts including Beaurepaires, Flight Centre and Goodyear. It also won projects from Cricket Australia, GIO and the NSW and Victorian Governments. While it did lose McCain and St George, its Melbourne arm held onto the crucial Bank of Melbourne account.
Sourced from AdNews Agency Report Card, May 31 2013 edition.
More recently Ogilvy has won several pieces of new business including BMW and the creative work for Lion's Hahn brand.