AdNews Newsletter
70% of buyers have already adjusted or paused ad spend, while 16% are still determining what action to...
The carparks at supermarkets are as busy as they ever were.
The second most read commercial news site in Australia.
" ... now is not the time for incessant chat about brand safety."
"They are doing well and at the tail-end of their symptoms."
Dinner and presentation scheduled for October 30.
An ad market recovery is unlikely until 2021.
The total value of the Australian advertising market hit $18 billion in 2019.
Pitches already in play are continuing but the pipeline for future work is uncertain in a coronavirus...
He is the former vice president of commercial and business development at ViacomCBS.
"We are taking all measures we can to minimise redundancies."
The move is to "fortify our financial stability in light of current market uncertainty”.
Kantar: " ... additional budget in these times will be hard to negotiate."
" ... we will emerge from this period a stronger and more competitive company."
The small to medium sized agencies have been impacted by the rapidly evolving COVID-19 crisis.