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Nielsen: "This is a time to lean in.”
Needs time to "assess the impacts" of the COVID-19 crisis.
The outdoor media specialist may need another five days.
The unprecedented uncertainty as to the impact and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A material fall in advertising market activity and the suspension or postponement of productions and...
This doesn't necessarily mean that individual marketers should alter media strategies.
Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
It now has 18.6%, up from 16.34%, according to filings made to the ASX.
Movie titles such as Contagion, Outbreak, and Pandemic have become some of the most-watched.
" ... unchartered territory in terms of duration and size of impact." A year-on-year fall of 25% in the...
The outdoor advertising specialist told the ASX it is considering a capital raising.
"After weeks of continuous growth the coronavirus news curve appears to have flattened."
A cautious view with many uncertainties on how fast and far COVID-19 will spread worldwide and the depth...
A good start to 2020 with January gross profit up over 30%.
"The rapid progression of COVID-19 is beginning to have an impact on Nine’s markets."