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"I really struggled to cope without the hustle and bustle the office created daily."
I will never miss spending three hours on trains and trams per day.
"I feel I spend more time with staff now through video then I have when we were in normal trading."
This week Wendy Clark left DDB, Simon Tate and Stuart McLennan started in regional roles and Ricky...
"I am sleeping a bit longer but also using the extra time to do a bit of exercise at home."
Red Havas and Our Revolution scored new clients, while Ogilvy had its longstanding client expand its...
"The silence outside on the street gives you the false feeling like its new year’s morning and everyone...
"I live on my own, so it can definitely get a bit haunting sometimes."
This month we're opening up our digital magazine without charge.
Industry wellbeing experts' 10-step plan for creativity to thrive while WFH.
Sky News commentator Paul Murray and Facebook's Harry Lowes and Ashley Jenkins head the line-up.
"I’m not sure I can handle any more talking dog videos, memes or jokes."
"The two guys next to me chew with their mouths open and no regard for personal space."
"We had a pitch with a strategist from Melbourne, creatives in Sydney and me in Queensland."
This week industry veterans Peter Tonagh and John La Rosa took on new roles, while Anthony Xydis...