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When it comes to mobile, the audience is already there, but what are marketers doing to really get in...
With the rise of smart devices and a now endless supply of data, Charles Grant, senior art director at...
Radio is changing, diversifying and moving into more creative areas than ever before. But it needs to...
Oracle Marking Cloud's Christian Hyland explains how using data can help build a personalised strategy.
Sponsored: Marketo made its maiden voyage to the 2015 Cannes Lions festival. "It didn’t take long before...
As the most buzzed-about agency loses its star creative director, speculation surrounds its ailing...
Paul McIntyre wraps up Cannes: "Madison Avenue types remain the anchor of the alcohol intake and the...
As the advertising industry creeps back into work, it’s worth thinking about what an event like Cannes...
Having judged the Cannes Cyber category this year, The Glue Society's Jonathan Kneebone feels there are...
Goldfish, micro observation, frameworks, data, and authenticity. Cannes wrapped up in five points by...
Your first time at Cannes is special. We asked Cannes veteran Maxus worldwide CEO Lindsay Pattison and...
Out of home technology is booming, but SiteTour's Vicki Lyon probes into the disconnect between what is...
Jurassic World is littered with brands and they’re probably more disturbing than the dinosaurs. Writes...
Understanding attribution is more important than ever says Rakuten's Anthony Capano. Marketers must...
"What is our dream? And what is our dream for our brands? Would any consumer really care if they didn’t...
"It doesn’t have to be tears, obviously, but an emotional response is critical if work is going to both...
"Although a lot of broadcast and agency systems have been criticised for their lack of progression and...
Taking in all the ideas at Cannes, Young Lion Jemma Wong believes the difference between good ideas and...
Cannes is overwhelming when you’re in the thick of it. So Young Lion Nate Kwok, made the conscious...
Never knowing what is around the next corner, or which relative unknown is going to steal the show -...
"Cannes this year is again, dare I say it... bigger and better. This year I am experiencing a different...
"In order for the brand to have - or maintain - this value, the fanboys are just as much responsible for...
"While I started with the very conventional view that my ideal customer would be the digital guru within...
It’s no secret that Cannes is an international affair, Young Lion and CommBank marketer, Nathan Kwok,...
"There’s no shortage of brilliant humans and challenging ways of thinking at Cannes. It’s overwhelming....
News Corp's Young Lions have touched down in Cannes and Nathan Kwok has experienced his first piece of...
Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity is like navigating a European music festival, says Rosie Baker....
"Too often in the free-to-air space, ego prevails as the networks - Seven and Nine especially - set out...