RSPCA SA unveils 'Perfectly Adoptable' via Them Advertising

4 June 2024

Creative Agency: Them Advertising (SA)

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Breaking shelter pet stigma.

Adelaide’s Them Advertising has developed a new campaign in collaboration with RSPCA SA shattering the stereotype that shelter animals are problem pets and encouraging more South Australians to adopt from the organisation.

The ‘Perfectly Adoptable’ campaign aims to position RSPCA SA as the first choice for pet adoption and open people’s minds to what shelter animals are capable of.

“Research shows 78% of people think animal welfare is important but only one in three would consider adopting a pet from a shelter," Them’s creative strategist Mamp Grewal said.

“Most people still prefer designer and purebred animals and avoid adopting shelter pets because they think they’re damaged, second-rate or problematic but this isn’t the case.

“Every RSPCA SA animal undergoes health and behaviour checks and is desexed and microchipped before they’re able to be taken home so they’re perfectly adoptable.” 

Them’s creative director Rob Hutchison said what sets Perfectly Adoptable apart from previous pet adoption campaigns is that it directly addresses ‘the elephant in the room’ which is the stigma attached to shelter pets.

“We decided to directly confront people’s apprehension by emphasising how RSPCA SA animals are just as able as designer pets and purebreds to provide their owners with joy and companionship,” he said.

“We dismantled the stigma by taking people’s negative perceptions about shelter pets and turning them into positives by having RSPCA SA animals tell South Australians why they deserve a chance.

“The campaign celebrates each animal’s abilities and uniqueness which can often be overlooked and highlights the work RSPCA SA does behind the scenes to prepare these pets for adoption so they find new homes.”

RSPCA SA’s marketing and communications manager Maddy Barker said Them Advertising’s deep understanding of the challenge and need for a long-term multi-channel campaign was key to the success of the creative partnership.

“We hope this campaign will convince people to see RSPCA SA animals in a new light and have them adopt from us when bringing a new pet into their lives,” she said.

The campaign was executed across traditional and digital channels and features RSPCA SA animals that have already found homes to demonstrate real-life success stories and prove shelter pets are perfectly adoptable.

Perfectly Adoptable launched on Wednesday, May 29 and will run over the next 12 months. This is the second campaign Them Advertising has created in collaboration with RSPCA SA.

The first was RSPCA SA’s recent ‘On The Move’ community fundraising campaign which smashed its $500k target and raised $730k in five days ahead of the organisation’s relocation to a new purpose-built animal care campus in Adelaide’s southern suburbs.



Client: RSPCA SA

RSPCA SA Marketing and Communications Manager: Maddy Barker

Creative Agency: Them Advertising

Creative Director: Rob Hutchison

Senior Account Manager:  Monique Aidone

Senior Account Manager: Brittany Weber

Creative Strategist: Mamp Grewal

Digital Ad Strategist: Jose Plazas

Graphic Designer:Amanda Paukner

Graphic Designer: David English

Copywriter: David Ormston

Copywriter: Briony Petch

Photographer: Michael Haines

Videographer: Paul McDonald

Media Director: Olivia Anders

Media Partner: oOh!media

Media Partner: Yahoo!

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