"The ‘Just Roll With It’ platform is a great evolution for Maltesers."
Maltesers’ has launched two new spots via T&Pm, Hogarth and The Producers
The new films capture the everyday chaos parents face when life throws yet another curveball into their already overloaded schedules. From spilled cereal to missed appointments, some moments demand a deep breath and a resilient attitude.
When navigating the speed bumps, the only thing parents can do… is roll with it.
Maltesers have set out to remind Australian parents that sometimes all it takes to shift their perspective is a shared moment of
light-hearted connection - best fuelled by laughter and a handful of Maltesers.
T&Pm client lead Georgia Malcolm said evolving such an "iconic" brand while keeping that same lighthearted tone was a great opportunity".
"The ‘Just Roll With It’ platform is a great evolution for Maltesers and relates to all parents in those moments when they don’t know whether to laugh or cry."
"Maltesers is the lighter way to eat chocolate and sharing a bag with your friend or partner makes those moments of chaos just a bit lighter," Richard Weisinger, head of brand and content at Mars Wrigley Australia, said.
The Maltesers ‘Picasso’ and ‘Fort’ spots, shot by The Producers’ Olivia Altavilla and stills photographer Kenny Smith, see two families deal with the familiar aftermath of their crazy kids.
The campaign will run across OLV and Social.