Condé Nast recruits celebs for creativity campaign

15 January 2016

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Add a couple of models, a few actors, a Kardashian sister and Justin Bieber and you’ve got yourself one big campaign.

Condé Nast has launched an advertising campaign all about creativity and it has some pretty famous people involved, and someone blowing up a watermelon.

The campaign with the slogan “Create. Connect. Conde Nast” released a series of short videos, created by Logan, on social media featuring employees and well as Jerry Seinfeld, Jennifer Lawrence and Karlie Kloss, chatting about what creativity means to them.

The media company reached out to 37 “influencers” to promote the Condé Nast videos on their social channels using the hashtag #CreativityIs.

Advertising will also appear in Grand Central Terminal, select subway stops and trade publications in the US for at least a year.

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