'Beforeplay' via Ogilvy

22 January 2024

Creative Agency: Ogilvy (NSW)

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In a bid to normalise regular STI testing among young people.

The federal government has launched Beforeplay, with creative developed by Ogilvy, in a bid to normalise regular STI testing among young people.

The campaign, targeting young people aged 20-34, aims to educate and raise awareness of STI prevention, by introducing a new step in a sexual health journey called ‘Beforeplay’; getting an STI test before embarking on sexual activity, in addition to using protection.  

With a tagline of ‘Make STI testing your Beforeplay’, the national campaign will be seen across OLV, social, OOH and bar coasters, plus media placement on dating apps like Tinder and Grindr and O-Week activations.   

Ogilvy developed and executed the creative strategy and worked closely with UM on the media, including the extensions into online dating apps and O-week activity. 

Ogilvy creative group head Shaun Branagan says Beforeplay aims to put the emphasis on making sure people get tested before they jump into things. 

"It’s the important step before the bedroom, and even before the meetup. The campaign also aims to make STI testing feel not like an obstacle, but a normal part of looking after your health," he says.

"The work introduces new language to make it clear regular check-ups, even outside of perceived moments of risk, is a socially accepted practice, and something people do to proudly take charge of their sexual health. 

"It adapts a common component of great sex – foreplay, a moment that we all know comes first – and stretches that concept into a moment that begins before you even get into the bedroom.” 

The Beforeplay idea has behaviour change at its heart. As well as traditional awareness channels, it stretches through to other targeted activity like specially branded condoms at O Week activations to embed Beforeplay and its meaning into regular thinking about sex. 




Client – Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care 

Creative Agency – Ogilvy  

Director – Selina Miles  

Production Company – Scoundrel  

Photographer - Karima Asaad 

Sound – Heckler Sound

Post House – White Chocolate 

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