Australian Unity's health insurance is 'Worth it' via The Royals

20 May 2024

Creative Agency: The Royals
Media Agency: Initiative

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Life is all about living it.

Coverage people don’t use. Value they can’t see. People hitting their 30s see health insurance a little differently.

Australian Unity's first major campaign for health insurance via The Royals, stares down questions of value by showing how health insurance is 'Worth it' for the life people lead.

“Research indicates that many young adults perceive health insurance as unnecessary because they consider themselves healthy, " - Australian Unity.

Australian Unity addresses the perceptions of value by introducing health insurance that is extremely useful, whether that’s for one-off occasions or the everyday.

Essential Choice in particular is a cover tailored to young adults for whom health insurance can be a minefield. It has coverage this group is more likely to utilise, at a value that reflects their lifestyle.

Whether it’s living large ‘limboing’ at a bestie’s 30th, or finally winning a game of ping pong against dad - life is all about living it.

The Royals’ campaign highlights the practicality of Australian Unity's health insurance by connecting the moments where cover has people's back to the benefits they'll actually use.

The Royals managing partner Andrew Siwka said while disappointed in being overlooked as the Ping Pong talent, the partnership with Australian Unity was off to a flying start.

“This work is just the first in a series of campaigns we are excited to roll out together.”

Australian Unity head of retail marketing Zoe Djurovitch said working with The Royals has certainly been Worth It!

"They have become natural partners during this process, helping us push boundaries of where we’ve been, to help reach an audience we've previously not tapped into."




Australian Unity


Creative Agency:

The Royals


Production Partners:

Production House: Collider

Director: Raghav Rampal

Post Production: FIN

Sound House: Electric Sheep Casting: Northside Casting, Eardrum Casting


Media Partner: Initiative

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