Part of the Family

8 October 2013

Advertiser: Pedigree

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Pedigree has teamed up with The Sticker Family to create a custom dog sticker in a bid to encourage people to show the world that adopted dogs make great family members. It's the latest instalment in the successful 'Adoption Drive' campaign, created by Clemenger BBDO Melbourne, aimed at 'normalising' dog adoption and encouraging more people to rescue, rather than buy, their next pet.

The campaign was created after research showed that while 70% of dog owners think adopting a dog is a good idea, only 11% go on to source their pets from rescue organisations. Of those who did adopt a dog, 85% said they would consider adopting another dog in future because it had been such positive experience.

The free stickers will be available at IGA, Coles Online, within Woolworths Fresh Magazine and by request via the 'Adoption Drive' website.

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