AdNews Newsletter
Is the advertising industry in for a long rough ride or is ad spending just on pause while the nation...
Australia's national agency ad spend had its hardest March quarter fall in a decade, according to...
The Australian research, published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing, analysed thousands of tweets...
The company says it has done better than its own internal forecasts in the first quarter of 2019 but the...
WPP AUNZ's John "Steady" Steedman outlined his plans for a turnaround and restructuring at the agency...
Amazon has launched its advertising service, which has become the third largest digital ad seller in the...
John Steedman announced the target at AdNews’ Agency of the Year Awards.
Macquarie analysts see property listings slipping further than expected and dragging down earnings in...
The latest Nielsen figures show the election ad spend is zero for the Liberal Party at the same time...
We read stories about men, by men, says The 2019 Women for Media Report.
Amazon more than doubled its ad revenue, says Magna in its latest estimates and forecasts on US media...
The Senate has blocked rule changes allowing MPs to use their electoral allowances on broadcast...
A Monash University study finds that a Google search usually gets the credit for an online sale but that...
Williams Lea Tag is splitting in two -- Williams Lea and Tag.
Media agency staff numbers are up 7% and women now get paid 1% more than men.