As Mad Men nears its deafening crescendo (Mad-what? I hear some people ask) the fate of the beloved cast is made all the more exciting by a deal where AMC allows the characters to live on in new TV shows. This ensures a lifetime of downloads for generations to come or when a career in advertising is just a distant memory.
Don Draper's screen ex-wife, Betty Draper, joins ‘The real housewives of Melbourne’, becomes addicted to meth and turns into a perfectly reasonable mother by Melbourne standards.
Don and Betty’s screen daughter Sally ends up taking what she thinks is a job as an ECD, only to find out it’s not a real job or a real agency. It is in fact an episode of ‘Naked and Afraid’. She will eventually become the host.
Megan Draper records a French pop duet album with Jon Snow and becomes literally the French Queen of Pop of the 7 Kingdoms of Westeros. Plot spoiler: she’s beheaded in episode #4 of the new series.
Don and Betty’s second child Bobby, stars in his own reality show called ‘Bobby Who?’
Peggy Olson goes on ‘Celebrity Farmer wants a Survivor Bachelorette Wife’ and ends up moving to Nebraska. She writes a best-selling erotic cookbook.
Joan, God love her, gets her own spinoff show called ‘Better call Joan’, which everyone did in Mad Men anyway, so it’s an easy transition.
Roger Sterling wins a bit part in ‘Better call Joan’ and gets killed in the first three minutes in a dance-fight with Tyrion Lannister. It’s pretty dramatic and funny at the same time.
Bert Cooper gets a brand partnership deal as the new Colonel Sanders. He launches a line of bourbon-based chicken nuggets.
Aspiring copywriter Michael Ginsberg actually becomes a copywriter in a show about a major corporation procurement department that, sadly, no one watches but is very profitable.
Gentleman Englishman Lane Price comes back from the dead and stars in his own Zom-Com called, ‘Oops, Zombie Apocalypse’. It in turn becomes a big Broadway sensation, bigger than Cats.
The hapless Pete Campbell buys ACM with the money he makes from the highly successful ‘Pete Campbell Action Figurine’ and fires every one of his former cast-mates.
And Ad-lothario Don Draper? He stars in episodes three and four of the new season of ‘House of Cards’ as the Oval Office coffee table. He directs the episodes himself.
Read what other Aussie ad men predict for the finale of the show here.