Zitcha partners with Venvee for in-store retail media measurement

By AdNews | 13 May 2024
Troy Townsend, Zitcha CEO.

Retail media platform Zitcha and US-based Venvee have partnered to deliver more targeted, effective and measurable advertising campaigns.

Venvee uses spatial AI for retail media networks to understand and activate audiences and measure campaign performance based on in-store behaviour.

And Zitcha will own the in-store retail environment giving retailers and brands an actual view on the impact of digital screen advertising in premise.

Zitcha CEO Troy Townsed said the collaboration closes the loop on reporting the impact and effectiveness of in-store advertising, which has traditionally been harder to evaluate than onsite and offsite retail media activity.

"With Venvee's technology integrated into our platform, they now have it, including the capability to better evaluate the performance of their ads, seamlessly integrate data into their omnichannel strategies and optimise their campaigns," Townsed said.

Venvee CEO James Bauer said this enables an entirely new market of retailers to serve their brands in a way that is functional at any scale.

Venvee’s technology helps assess the impact of specific ads on shopper behaviour, such as increased engagement with advertised products and capturing pre-purchase intent at scale.

Using advanced AI, Venvee creates a virtual 3D model of the store called a ‘digital twin’, then anonymously collects the full in-store journey of each individual shopper through retailer's security cameras from entry to exit, inclusive of the shoppers’ precise locations, interactions with products, advertisements and other store features. 

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