Zara Curtis acting CMO of IAG

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 31 October 2022
Zara Curtis

Zara Curtis has been appointed as IAG’s acting CMO, taking over the role from Brent Smart who departed to become CMO of Telstra.

Curtis has been at IAG for close to five years, most recently serving as director of content and customer engagement since May 2019. 

Curtis said: “I'm proud of the journey we’ve been on with Brent and the marketing team, and the results we’ve achieved together. 

“Since the beginning, we’ve been focused on putting the value back into the brand. 

“As Acting CMO, I will lead the marketing team to realise that value, and continue to drive growth across the business, achieving commercial outcomes via creativity.”

IAG is currently recruiting for the role, assessing both internal and external candidates.

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