YWCA launches the Women’s Liveability Assessment digital tool via Paper Moose

By AdNews | 9 December 2024


Paper Moose and YWCA Australia have partnered to introduce a digital tool to support community housing providers and better meet the needs of their women residents.

Women often have distinct housing needs compared to men.

YWCA's Women's Housing Framework has been transformed by Paper Moose into the Women's Liveability Assessment—a streamlined, accessible digital platform for Community Housing Providers (CHPs).

This tool empowers organisations to easily evaluate and improve strategies for equitable, safe, and supportive housing for women.

Incorporating benchmarks and key impact domains—such as safety, participation, health, and agency—it provides a path for CHPs to improve outcomes for residents and integrate best practices.

This solution offers a critical step toward closing the housing standards gap and achieving gender equality in housing.

Paper Moose head of client success Brad Bennet said this is such an important initiative for Australian Community Housing Providers from YWCA.

"We are grateful to play our small part in improving the life and housing outcomes for women residents across Australia," Bennet said.

YWCA general manager of housing operations Libby van der Waal said what sets this tool apart is that it takes a holistic approach, considering physical spaces and locations alongside support needs and community connections.

“After seeing the positive outcomes for our residents, we wanted to support other housing providers to see that same impact," van der Waal said.

This experience is the latest for Paper Moose developing innovative utilities for their clients including digital experiences for Cancer Australia, OzHarvest, Aus film, Jimmy Brings and UTS.



Client: YWCA

Marketing & Communications: Rachel Avery

Agency: Paper Moose

Executive Creative Director: Nick Hunter

Head of Client Success: Brad Bennett

Account Manager: Hannah Maher

UX & Design Lead: Tash Wilson-Townsend

Developer: Greg Poole

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