Youngbloods NSW with That’s a Wrap boat party

By AdNews | 13 November 2023
Summer boat party promo.

There’s been whispers at the tea station, murmurs in the urinals, vague Slack messages and even second hand screenshots circulating that all ponder the same question: “Is That’s a Wrap only for ‘young people’?”. 

Answer: Hell no. 

Plus, if Nielsen measured age by love of parties on yachts, surely everyone in advertising is indexing <25yo. 

But just in case, we’re cracking open the age demo of this invite on Facebook to catch anyone outside the 18-24 bracket still active - so get tagging your mates. 

Check out the FB event HERE. 

First and second release tickets SOLD OUT. Buy third release tickets HERE.  

Or if you’re looking for a Friday morning confidence boost, take the


ARE YOU YOUNG ENOUGH FOR YOUNGBLOODS?! Take the quiz now to find out if your too old for the NSW That’s a Wrap boat party happening November 30th! Tickets here:

♬ Animal baby - 上野燿
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