Youngbloods brings Clash of Colleagues trivia night to Queensland

By AdNews | 29 June 2023
Clash of Colleagues trivia promo.

IT’S ON! The QLD Youngbloods team is bringing the heat with adland trivia night.

Fuelled by some friendly competition, great vibes and an unnerving desire to be named Brisbane’s brainiest agency, the event will be held on Thursday, 6th July, at Fortitude Valley's The Prince Consort. Agencies will be able to represent themselves or joining forces for teams of six.

Elle Whittaker, QLD Youngbloods co-chair, expressed her pleasure in bringing some fun and competition to the Brisbane scene to help battle that mid-year slump.

“At this time of year everything inevitably ramps up and everyone is either stressed or exhausted or both! It will be good for people to come and use their pent up energy on some friendly competition over some great food and a couple of drinks”, Whittaker said.

Emily Macgroarty, QLD Youngbloods co-chair, said that an event like this is one of the best ways to expand your network in Brisbane.

“There aren’t many times when we see so many agencies come together in one room, purely representing themselves. Apart from the fun of the trivia, this is also a great opportunity to get to know the faces of some of Brisbane’s top agencies and grow your network in the industry”, Macgroarty said.

You gotta respect the grind, but every now and then it is also essential to put the tools down, let loose, and go ham with some ad-themed trivia! Register your team here.

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