Young Guns: Zoe Perrin at Clemenger BBDO

By AdNews | 19 September 2024

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's Clemenger BBDO senior art director Zoe Perrin.

Time in current role:

Two and a half years. That’s 17.5 in dog years so must be at least 11 in insufferably impatient creative years.

How long have you been in the industry?

Originally hailing from the wilds of the Irish ad-scene, I’ve been rattling around creative departments on both sides of the globe for around five and a half years.
PS They can’t get rid of me now, I have a passport (thanks Dad)!

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?

I went to art college in Dublin, briefly flirted with fine art before going on to study design. I held lofty ambitions of spending my years designing pixel perfect book covers in the Swiss style surrounded by purists in Uniqlo shirts. But alas that was not to be. Someone made the mistake of letting slip what an art director was, and I was immediately lured by my gluttonous brain towards the other side. Drawn in by the opportunities there to use creativity to solve unique, interesting and entertaining problems.

Who is your right-hand person?

Riana McKenzie is my creative partner, best friend and constant confidant. We’re running headfirst down this creative path together and skipping while we do it. So far as a pair, we’ve redesigned over 3000+ frontline workers’ uniforms to prevent abuse, placed top 5 in Cannes Young Lions, created the Christmas campaign for Australia’s most-loved retailer, been titled AWARD National Tutors of the year, won pitches, birthed bonkers ideas and had the joy of seeing our work awarded globally.

What is the best thing about the industry you work in?

The shared understanding that play will always be an essential part. The best ideas come when we’re open and playful, when we allow ourselves to tease out a problem and roll it around on the sticky carpet of our brains free from judgement. In the words of John Cleese: “Creativity is not the possession of some special talent. It’s about the willingness to play”.

And the biggest challenge?

The shared disregard of the fact that play will always be an essential part. Fear takes over and leads us to over restrict and over analyse ourselves into a space where play feels impossible. Once more in the words of my mate, John Cleese: “If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play".

Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?

The island caretaker in the Great Barrier Reef courtesy of Tourism Queensland.

Where do you turn for inspiration?

My friends, especially the ones who don’t work in advertising. It can be hard to leave the safety of our industry bubble, and they do a wonderful job of not caring about my very clever nuances and inside references.

My favourite advert is:

The Guardian’s 1986 ‘Points of View’ AND its 2012 ‘Three Little Pigs’. Both incredible executions of the same thought, beautifully crafted three decades apart.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?

Nothing, I won’t shut up about every insignificant detail of my existence.

In five years' time, I'll be:

Repurposed into an AI bot to save on rent.

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