Young Guns: Whitney Portwine at QMS

By AdNews | 27 September 2024
Whitney Portwine

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's QMS senior account manager Whitney Portwine.

Time in current role:

I can’t believe it, but I’ve been in my current role for just over 18 months! Time flies when you’re having fun.

How long have you been in the industry?

Just over three-and-a-half years.

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?

Like most people in media, I fell into it without really knowing too much about it. At University, I studied marketing and management, and I always thought I would have been client side when I headed into full time work. But in my last semester, I was lucky enough to have been recommended for a position as a client executive by one of my lecturers. From then I’ve moved from the news side to the OOH world, and I absolutely love it.

Who is your right-hand person?

I honestly can’t choose just one! In my role, we work with so many great people internally from so many different teams such as data and insights, strategy, trading, marketing… the list goes on. One thing I love about QMS is that we’re a really tight-knit crew and we love working with each other. But I’d have to say my immediate team members – Belladetta, Jack, Harry and Lans – are all my right-hand people.

What is the best thing about the industry you work in?

The varied experiences. It’s not every day that you get to work on some exciting innovation briefs such as bringing 3DOOH animation to life, or even being able to visit the Big Tulla up-close and personal with clients, for example. It’s so incredibly rewarding being able to see our work come to life in a tangible way.

And the biggest challenge?

Innovation is currently what a lot of clients are after. So always looking for and bringing media-first executions to life can be challenging at times, as there’s no rule book on how this will play out. But being able to work with both agencies and clients in bringing our campaigns to life is SO rewarding in the end.

Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?

I don’t have a specific person’s job set in mind, but I would absolutely love to lead a sales team in the future!

Where do you turn for inspiration?

This might sound extremely Gen Z of me, but I love turning to socials to get inspired (especially TikTok), as no matter what genre or topic, there is always something new and exciting trending.

My favourite advert is:

It would have to be the Cadbury Eyebrows Dance ad! It has stuck with me since my childhood, and I’ve never forgotten it:

I don’t want to be biased, but I really do love all of our QMS Olympic partnerships that we have across our network, as it really showcases the dynamic capabilities of DOOH!

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?

When I was younger, I was actually an extra in a few TVC ads for Jetstar and Telstra, which was super interesting to see the behind the scenes of a TV ad! It was a great side hustle. 

In five years’ time I will be:

Fingers crossed, I will still be embracing all the great opportunities that media has to offer and hopefully be a people leader so I can mentor others in the vibrant media industry. Can’t forget travelling lots too.

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