Young Guns: Tilly Hammond at Think HQ

By AdNews | 26 September 2024
Tilly Hammond

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's Think HQ communication strategist Tilly Hammond.

Time in current role:

1 year

How long have you been in the industry?

I dove headfirst into the industry straight after graduating at the end of 2020, so I'm now cruising through my third year. Being a pandemic-starter, it feels like I've been in the industry forever and for five minutes.

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?

Short answer: absolutely not. My initial perception of agencies, largely influenced by TV shows and casual conversations with friends, was that they were stuck in the past. But then I stumbled upon Think HQ, and it was - genuinely - a bit of a revelation. It ticked all the boxes—aligned with my values, had a stellar female founder, and didn't scream "Mad Men" reruns.

I started off in the PR team, absorbing everything I could about the work, the agency and the industry. But in truth, I found the strategy behind the message was much more my thing. I set my sights on the strategy team, put my newly minted PR skills to use, and bagged a move into my current role.

Who is your right-hand person?

He’ll probably hate me for saying this, but my manager, Luke Holland. We’ve got a bit of a  yin-yang dynamic going on, where we seem to balance each other out perfectly. Luke’s been a great teacher, showing me the ropes of strategic communication. In just under a year, he's given me countless opportunities to refine my craft, find my voice and become a stronger strategic communicator.

What is the best thing about the industry you work in?

The sheer power of words to shift people’s behaviour and perceptions. That’s the magic that got me into communications in the first place. You can’t spark change without great communication—and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to change the world?

And the biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge? Convincing people that good communication isn’t just a nice to have — it’s the essential ingredient that binds everything else together.

Crafting comms that genuinely makes people rethink their daily habits - like how much water they use, how they travel to work, how they view their role in a community - takes time, understanding, and a bit of magic. But tight budgets and rushed timelines often stand in the way of creating something truly impactful. I used to think of these things as barriers - now, I view them as challenges to rise to.

Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?

No specific job title on my hit list, but I’d love to be the mastermind behind strategies that leave a positive mark - someone who can craft the big picture and make a real difference.

Where do you turn for inspiration?

Podcasts! I’m obsessed with hearing athletes talk about their drive and passion — it’s like caffeine for the soul. Their dedication to perfecting their craft inspires me to keep pushing the envelope and putting in the work, one strategy at a time.

My favourite advert is:

Like many of us in communications, I’m a sucker for ads that make you think twice.

I know it's a big-budget and big brand, but Heineken’s 'Cheers to All' campaign is one of my all-time faves. It takes a light-hearted jab at the stereotype that only men drink beer, using humour to nudge people towards rethinking their subconscious biases. I imagine there were some heated debates in the boardroom, but it was definitely the right call.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?

One thing everyone knows about me is that I only share things that I really want people to know. One day I’ll write the book of all the things people don’t know about me - I’ll let you know when it’s out.

In five years’, time I will be:

Ah, the crystal ball question! Honestly, who knows? But in the grand scheme of things, I’d love to be leading a team, nurturing the next generation of talent, and constantly dreaming up new ways to positively influence behaviour. The specifics? Well, that’s a mystery even to me.

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