Young Guns: Oliver Durrant at OMD

By AdNews | 22 October 2024
Oliver Durrant

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's OMD's business partner Oliver Durrant.

Time in current role/time at the company:

I’ve been working at OMD Melbourne for four and a half years now and have recently transitioned into my new role as business partner after working as receptionist/office manager for most of my OMD career.

How long have you been in the industry?

Four and a half years! OMD is my great introduction to the media industry.

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?

This wasn’t the plan at all, but I’m so grateful it has panned out this way.

I was lifeguarding and saw OMD’s reception job advertised. It looked like it would be great fit for me as I love working with people, having a laugh and it was the perfect opportunity to expand my skillset. Now, here I am!

During my time at OMD, I have had such a great opportunity to grow and develop with both formal and informal training. I’ve been fortunate to step up into a new role where I’m working with all areas of our business which will supercharge the possibilities of continued growth along the way.

Who is your right-hand person/who guides you day-to-day?

Given my position at OMD, I’ve been very lucky to work with just about everybody in the OMD team and have had some great mentors and guides who have offered sound advice and championed me in every step of my career.

My go-to has always been Antonia Glezakos, managing director of OMD Melbourne. She’s been such an amazing support and I wouldn’t be where I am today without her. Whether she’s challenging me to think differently or being my loudest cheerleader, I know Antonia will always be my number one supporter.

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?

I know we all say it, but the people I get to work with everyday make this industry so great, especially the OMDers. As I mentioned earlier, I’m a people person. I love getting to know the different perspectives people have, personality types, ways of working and, importantly, different senses of humour! I have already made so many great friends in our industry and I know there will be many more to make in the future.

And the biggest challenge?

In a role where no two days are the same, I am constantly shifting my priorities and expectations to meet the challenges of each day. But that’s also one of the things I love about my job, it keeps things interesting and engaging, it also means I’m constantly learning, growing and elevating what I deliver.

Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?

With my most recent promotion, I must admit I don’t really have a specific job in my sights as of late. All I know is that I want to keep growing within OMD (I wouldn’t be mad sitting in the C-suite, you know?).

That being said, I’m pretty lucky in my new role because there are a lot of different squiggly career pathways that stem from it. The opportunities are endless!

I’ve also been very fortunate to be selected as a member of the OMD Exec Next program for 2024. Having exposure to our national executive team has been super insightful and has given me the opportunity to learn more about the inner workings of OMD, particularly how decisions are made.

Where do you turn for inspiration?

I think that’s the joy of working where I do, I have so many people around me at OMD that I can turn to for inspiration or motivation. It’s always great to have a small idea and watch it snowball into something great as I talk it through with the team around me.

I also feel my most creative when listening to music, if I am ever needing a kick of inspiration, I tend to put my headphones in and I find that it always motivates me and helps me through any mental block I might be having or helps guide me to a solution.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you:

I wish I could say I had a special talent or secret that everyone doesn’t know, but I’m far too loud of a person to have secrets or keep things hidden.

In five years’ time I’ll be…

Hopefully sitting on a European beach soaking up the sun after I’ve won tattslotto of course! If that hasn’t happened by then, I’ll be stoked to have worked my way up to a leadership position at OMD with a great team of people around me.

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