Young Guns: Max Prosser at Omnicom Media Group

By AdNews | 25 July 2024

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's Omnicom Media Group (OMG) Australia activation account director (Melbourne) Max Prosser.

Time in current role/time at the company:

I’ve come full circle! I’m back at Omnicom Media Group, in the Activation team based in Melbourne. I joined in between Victoria lockdowns in June 2021.

How long have you been in the industry?  

I’ve been in the industry since 2015 where I started out as a digital account executive, whilst still at Uni on a work placement. I joined a small sister agency of PHD London called Rocket (now Hearts & Science) which was an unreal experience…

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?  

The plan was always roughly marketing in some capacity, I wasn’t 100% sure on what that was specifically at the start. My first year in the industry was a lot of fun at various publisher events and I loved it, so straight after graduating I joined MullenLowe Mediahub in London (which again was a tonne of fun) before moving to Dentsu in Melbourne and now Omnicom Media Group!

Who is your right-hand person/who guides you day to day?  

Tim Wilson has become my go-to since he joined us. If I need a second opinion or just a chat about anything and everything to do with London. He’s a great soundboard for ideas since we work closely together. Always there to have a chat, he’s a great motivator and inspiration for me.

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?  

There’s never a dull moment, especially in Ecommerce. There’s always a new platform to learn, more skills to develop, new tech to test! It challenges me in the best possible way and keeps me sharp. There’s more than one way to skin a cat (odd expression now I’ve typed it out), just because I think there’s a specific way to do something doesn’t mean there isn’t a better solution – I love being challenged and encourage my team to do so.

And the biggest challenge?  

The best thing about the industry is also probably the most challenging. It’s almost impossible to keep up with every single industry update. Finding the perfect solution for our clients is often time consuming and a challenge in itself.

Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?  

Not the usual call out but probably Ryan Reynolds’ - which is also odd now I’ve typed it out… I wouldn’t say I’m a 'fan' of his but he probably has the best job(s) in the world – he’s extremely successful offscreen and knows how to build a brand. He also owns a football club which is just the ultimate multi-millionaire’s hobby.

Where do you turn for inspiration?  

Role models early on in my career, particularly in London, have been huge inspirations for me. These include previous managers, heads of, MDs, peers, clients you name it. I try to take a little piece of wisdom from everywhere to apply it to my day to day.

I’ve worked with so many brilliant characters over the years and I find myself looking back at those experiences to inspire and motivate me when I’m looking ahead.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?  

I’m generally a bit of an open book so there’s maybe not a lot that people at work don’t know about me…

…But I can guarantee no one knows of my greatest achievement - winning the Year 6 drama prize for my role as Mike TV in our production of Willy Wonka.

In five years time, I'll be:

Running a football club, leading a billion-dollar Telco brand and promoting my own movie which I’m also starring in…

OR head of activation/performance lead. A role that blends my professional passions with my personal ones if it exists!

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