Young Guns: Kerryn Josman at Wavemaker Sydney

By AdNews | 4 June 2024

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's Wavemaker Sydney marketplace associate director Kerryn Josman.

Time in current role/time at the company:

Five years.

How long have you been in the industry?

Five years.

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?

While I studied PR & Advertising at university, I can’t say I knew what a media agency actually was when I graduated. I came into Wavemaker as part of GroupM’s M Grad program in 2019, and the ongoing opportunities, challenges and ethos of positive provocation have kept me motivated and engaged since!

Who is your right-hand person/who guides you day to day?

Being at Wavemaker for five years, I’ve been lucky enough to work with so many brilliant people. But I would say my right-hand people have always been my family – even though they’re not in my industry, they always tell it like it is and keep it real.

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?

No day is the same. Some days I could be doing a market analysis, others planning an activation for a new series launching on Paramount Plus, and on the really fun days, attending a movie premiere!

But the ultimate best thing? The people.

And the biggest challenge?

Keeping ideas creative and fresh. Every day you see and hear about all these incredible campaigns from brands all around the world, so striving to create campaigns like that – ones that become part of water cooler conversations – always keeps me on my toes.

Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?

I don’t have a specific role in mind right now, but working on Paramount has solidified my passion in the entertainment space, so probably a marketing lead for an entertainment brand.

Where do you turn for inspiration?

Probably social media. I can always find some super-creative stuff on the platforms, which sparks my inspiration.

My favourite advert is:

Rhonda & Ketut for AAMI will always be a classic.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?

I was a bit of a band geek at school! I played the clarinet for 10 years and travelled the world on tour.

In five years’ time I’ll be:

I’d love to be leading the Paramount team at WM or working on digital product growth for the agency.

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