Young Guns: Jessica Kerr at JOLT

By AdNews | 23 May 2024

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's JOLT senior account manager Jessica Kerr.

Time at the company:

Eight months.

How long have you been in the industry?

Eight years.

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?

Ending up in out-of-home sales was not my plan but rather a fortunate surprise.

I started my media career at MCN as a sport partnerships coordinator. In this role, I was able to couple my passion for sport with a newfound career. From there I had a brief sabbatical from media at the NSW Waratahs but swiftly came back to Foxtel Media (formerly MCN) to join their digital sports partnerships team.

The biggest turning point in my career was taking the jump into out-of-home sales at oOh!media. Out-of-home sales was a whole different ball game and a perfectly timed challenge that allowed me to broaden my knowledge of the media landscape.

I adored my time at oOh! but when the next challenge came knocking to help build a new digital out-of-home network with JOLT - I knew I couldn’t say no.

Who is your right-hand person/who guides you day to day?

I am very fortunate to work extremely closely with our sales director Hannah Pritchard at JOLT. Han’s relationships, knowledge and work ethic are truly commendable and something I wish to replicate with the same level of warmth that she does.

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?

The best thing about out-of-home is the camaraderie across the providers. We may all be happy to take part in some friendly competition to win a brief or piece of business for our company, however, when push comes to shove, we are all working towards the same objective of building out-of-home’s total media share within the Australian media landscape. Some of my most trusted advisors and friends work at competing out-of-home companies and there is no better feeling than spotting them in a crowd at a media event.

And the biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge (and opportunity) is that the out-of-home landscape is constantly in flux with new players, tender moves and products coming to market. This consistent state of flux keeps everyone on their toes, but it also keeps things interesting.

If it was not for the changing out-of-home landscape, and our inherent nature to challenge the status quo, there wouldn’t be fast-scaling businesses like JOLT disrupting the global EV out-of-home market, whilst making a positive impact on the environment.

Where do you turn for inspiration?

My late grandmother was the definition of a trail blazer within media, starting her career in the 1960s on children’s television and then becoming the news presenter / editor for many regional TV and radio stations. She was a tough person, couldn’t (or wouldn’t) take no for an answer and had a positive impact on the careers of so many around her. She was extremely proud of me working in media and was a sounding board for much of my early career, so when I need a little more inspiration or tenacity she is who I call upon.

My favourite advert is: 

I completed my last few years of high school in Texas and always looked forward to seeing a new Chick-fil-A billboard appear in Houston. Chick-fil-A, known for its chicken fast-food, cleverly utilised cheeky cows in their branding efforts to promote chicken over beef.

These billboards exemplify what many brands aspire to achieve in out-of-home advertising: simplicity, memorability, and uniqueness. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a special build?

In five years time, I'll be:

Five years ago, I could never have imagined I would be where I am now, but I got here through being open to opportunities that came my way whilst always being curious and leaning into the unknown. I would like to continue the next five years with the same openness to new directions because who knows where it will lead me - perhaps even a senior role in one of JOLT’s international offices…?

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