Young Guns: Harriet Newton at Alliance Outdoor

By AdNews | 10 October 2024
Harriet Newton

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's Alliance Outdoor senior account manager Harriet Newton.

Time in current role/time at the company:

I have been working at Alliance since January 2024, a total of nine months in the seat. Time flies when you’re having fun!

How long have you been in the industry?  

I have been working in Outdoor Media Sales since 2020, so just on four years!

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?  

Like many others working in this industry, media sales is something I fell into! I never had a plan, but I knew I would most likely end up in PR or advertising based on the degree I completed at UTS. I had been working at my local pub and had finished my Bachelor of Communications when I applied for my first job at oOh!media. I was referred by a close friend who said I would be the perfect fit given I have always been a great people-person.

My first role was an internal sales-support role, where I assisted the national sales team. From here, I moved into a coordinator role across NSW agency sales to which I progressed into an Account Manager role. In this role, I naturally fell into my groove and hit the ground running! I continued to develop my skills and knowledge of the Outdoor market (while having a great time doing so!)

Luckily for me as I progressed throughout the years, selling Outdoor media, specifically Large Format, is something I love and am extremely passionate about! This is how I landed in the role as a Senior Account Manager at Alliance Outdoor. What I love most about the role I’m in now is how customer centric we can be with our products – working with my agency counterparts at the planning stage of campaigns, all the way through to reaching their target audience and delivering a successful OOH campaign is what drives my ‘why’!

Who is your right-hand person/who guides you day to day?  

I work extremely closely to our Group Business Director at Alliance Outdoor, Mollie Clyma, she is also my coach and my mentor. We have worked together at oOh!media and have become quite the dynamic duo (at least we like to think so!)

I am extremely fortunate to have worked with Mollie for the past 2 years as she is one of the best in the industry. I admire how she presents herself and her strong and authentic relationships in market. Mollie’s passion for the sector runs very deep and I respect her care and compassion for the Outdoor industry.

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?  

I would be lying if I said the Outdoor sector didn’t have a lot of perks/pros! I believe across the board that OOH reps and businesses drive an extremely strong culture internally and externally. While a portion of this culture is made up of fun, it also consists of education in market, working together to continue to grow OOH share and not cannibalise it, strong and trustworthy relationships, and I can’t forget to mention the OOH legends who are willing to dedicate time to share decades of knowledge and experience onto those who are willing to listen and learn.

And the biggest challenge?  

The Outdoor sector continues to grow and change drastically – the industry looks and feels completely different to what it once did when I had first started in Outdoor, only four years ago. However, where there is a challenge, there is an opportunity! For me, it’s to dedicate time to understand and navigate the ever-changing landscape, the developments in data capabilities in Outdoor, innovation/digitisation and automation.

As a channel we can deliver robust, broadcast audiences – a challenge for us within the outdoor space is to encourage our clients to challenge the way they hit their 1+ reach and with what formats. The launch of MOVE2 will be an exciting time for our industry as we’ll be able to measure audiences and seasonality like we’ve never been able to before.

Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?  

I’d love to continue hustling and grinding in OOH and eventually land myself a National Sales Director role! Alternatively, I could also see myself with babies doing hot Pilates every morning and drinking French rose every night while my husband brought home the bacon… Two very different options I know!

Where do you turn for inspiration?  

I find inspiration from the closest people to me – my parents, my friends that I have had for 13+ years, and my mentor and right-hand woman Mollie. BUT, most importantly I find inspiration from my clients – working closely alongside some great agency contacts inspires me to find solutions that will support their client’s business problems. This is one of the most satisfying parts of my job!

Also, as Alliance Outdoor represents some of the oldest family-owned Outdoor companies in Australia (the Whitford’s and the Tyquin’s), I am in awe of the individuals and families that built the Outdoor industry we see today.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?  

One thing that everyone knows about me is that I am an open book… What you see is usually what you get. I guess below my hard, loud, and crazy exterior, I am just a little softy who cries in movies and when they have run out of my favourite Messina flavour. I somewhat resemble a delicious Caramelo Koala (soft on the inside!)

In five years’, time I'll be…

This is one of the harder questions to answer as right now I don’t even know what I’m having for dinner! However, if I was to have a guess, I’d still be flogging Billboards to whoever needs one and having a damn good time doing so.

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