Young Guns: Ella Wood at Infix Creative Studio

By AdNews | 27 August 2024

In this series, AdNews spotlights young talent in the Australian media, marketing and advertising sector. This time it's Infix Creative Studio writer and strategist Ella Wood.

Time in current role/time at the company:

I started in a casual copywriting position two years ago, back when I was still in university, only had internships under my belt and believed pickles were naturally-grown vegetables instead of cucumbers in disguise. 

A year later, I moved into a full-time position and added strategy to my repertoire. I've now been with INFIX for two years and have adjusted remarkably well to the pickle thing. 

How long have you been in the industry?  

I’ve been in the industry the same amount of time I’ve been at INFIX. I’m lucky because it’s an environment where I’m able to evolve as a professional. I have the opportunity to learn new skills, change interests and work with a diverse spectrum of brands.

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?  

I’ve always loved writing. The student magazine I ran in university gave me my first taste of working with other writers and designers. I remember taking a copywriting class and thinking, “Wait…people get paid to do this?”

An agency was the clear choice for me, as I wanted to contribute to different projects every day. After building up my portfolio through in-class and passion projects, I started my search. 

The INFIX website stood out to me straight away. I did my research into CEO and founder Niamh Sullivan’s career journey and past projects — INFIX was everything I was looking for.  

INFIX wasn’t advertising a casual junior position, so I cold emailed them with my cover letter and portfolio. I promptly got a response from Niamh herself, we went for coffee and now I’m part of a team I once admired from a distance — it’s pretty special. 

Who is your right-hand person/who guides you day to day?  

Niamh guides me through our projects. Her leadership approach means I can structure my day in a way that works for me, while being able to ask her questions and explore ideas with her. Niamh’s desk is actually directly across from mine, so that makes it easy!

I also collaborate with my fellow writers and designers, especially on brand and content strategies. Everyone’s perspective is valued, which allows us to approach projects from different angles and get the best results for our clients. 

What's the best thing about the industry you work in?  

I may be biased, but working with an agency means enjoying the best part of every business — the creative. 

The most rewarding part of my day is seeing projects go live, especially branding projects, articles and websites. 

And the biggest challenge?  

Probably vague feedback and briefs. Resisting the urge to get another chocolate chip cookie from Cubby Bakehouse is also a daily battle. 

Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?  

I always want to write, but I’d love to be a Content Director too. As INFIX expands, this would be an amazing opportunity for me to grow our online presence and hone in on content strategies for our clients.

Where do you turn for inspiration?  

I’ve recently picked up the habit of reading on my lunch break instead of going on my phone. It’s done wonders for my vocabulary and afternoon brain fog.

I also love stalking the Instagram’s of other agencies. Keeping in touch with different approaches is an important reminder that there’s no such thing as running out of new ideas. 

Individuals inspire me too. I follow the work of people like Zaria Parvez, the genius behind Duolingo’s social media strategy. Dimitri (AKA Jim) Antonopoulos from Tank also has a fantastic email newsletter about creative leadership.  

Tell us one thing people at work don't know about you?  

Sometimes my headphones are playing the Twilight soundtrack. 

In five years' time I'll be:

  1. Mastering the art of industry-disrupting content strategies. 

  2. Being instrumental to the branding of a cool Gold Coast restaurant that will give me discounts for life. 

  3. Attending more industry events, like The Design Conference. 

  4. Finishing my fiction novel. 

  5. The proud owner of a dog. 

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