Young Gun: Lizzie Baeva at Magic

By AdNews | 13 April 2022
Lizzie Baeva

Our Young Gun Profile aims to shed light on the young talent in varying roles across advertising, adtech, marketing and media sectors in Australia.

Lizzie Baeva, Amplification Executive, Magic.

Time in current role/time at the company:
I've been at Magic for almost 2 and a half years; witnessing incredible growth and the depth of complexity in the transition away from cookies.

How did you get here? Was this always the plan?
I felt a bit lost and overwhelmed after finishing my Grad Dip in Psychology. I knew I loved interacting with people, and understanding behaviour through data, but I wasn't sure how to fit into the psychology realm.

Who is your right-hand person/who guides you day to day?
Firstly, I'm really grateful to my colleagues who have taken me under their wings and propelled me from a marketing newbie to where I am now putting up with countless questions with extreme patience and, looking back, suffering through some pretty interesting presentation attempts!

What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?
First and foremost, the people. Magic has definitely given me rose-coloured glasses for this industry and I'll happily wear them.
Aside from this, just the sheer amount of clever ways that we can gather data, clean it, interpret it, and action it to help brands increase intimacy with their customers.

What’s the biggest challenge about the industry you work in?
Working from home with a 13-inch screen through Melbourne lockdown.
But otherwise, it would definitely be staying on top of up-to-the-minute trends across a multitude of verticals, platforms and innovations to ensure we’re best equipped to provide solutions for our clients' problems.

 Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?
I think managing director has a nice ring to it; as I am beginning to find that leadership comes in many forms and it’s something I can see myself doing in the future. My role is so versatile, which is allowing me to understand both what I enjoy and what I don’t, all the while finding out where my competencies sit on the scale.

Where do you turn for inspiration?
At the moment it's mainly documentaries about the stories of successful (and not so successful) people on streaming platforms; people who doubted they could make it at first, and then made it. That’s the kind of mantra that inspires me to grow in the industry.

Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?
I’m an open person and I talk enough in the office that people are pretty across most of the facets of my life! But I do have a sick love for (ED: a brand name starting with "T"  for plastic containers removed after being contacted by a law firm) and anything reusable - but don’t worry I'm not a hoarder.

In five years' time I'll be…
Happy. I'm still relatively fresh in the industry, so I just want to continue to grow and grasp as many opportunities as I can; particularly as we enter into the world of web3.0.


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