Our Young Gun profile takes a look at some of the young talent across the advertising, adtech, marketing and media sector in Australia. It aims to shed light on the varying roles, people and companies across the buzzing industry.
Today we speak to Alex Maciver, business development at the Trade Desk:
Time at the company:
10 months already- it has FLOWN by!
How long have you been in the industry?
I have been in the media world for five and a half years now (gosh, I feel old writing that), and began my career working at media agencies, the publisher side, and now within the ad-tech space. I actually kick-started my marketing career in Sydney back in 2015 when I was a bold 23 year old who left home in Scotland to discover life down under!
How did you get here? Was this always the plan?
Media was not always the plan - I hadn’t thought about pursuing a career in media until I found myself working in the industry and loving it.
After graduating from university, I moved to Australia at 23 and gained my first marketing role. I then moved back to Europe to live the hectic London life for three years, where I “stumbled into” my first media role working at Mindshare.
From there, the gorgeous beaches and Aussie lifestyle I left behind were calling, so when I was given the opportunity to transfer to the Sydney office, I jumped at the chance and have not looked back (sorry Mum and Dad!).
I am now working in the ad-tech industry for The Trade Desk and cannot think of anywhere else I would rather be.
Who is your right-hand person/who guides you day to day?
I would have to say my big sister Victoria (or Toria as I have called her since I was the annoying wee sister running about after her). Victoria also works in the ad-tech space, is a female leader amongst her peers and has built a truly inspiring career. Victoria is always my go-to, not only for work advice but everyday, general life advice. Although we are miles apart, we never go a day without speaking - another example of why I love (and need) tech. I would be lost without her!
What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?
The best thing about the ad-tech industry has to be the people I work with every day- both internally with my The Trade Desk family and externally with our trusted partners. I feel incredibly fortunate to be amongst the smartest people in ad-tech who continually push me to be the best version of myself, always thinking of the greater good. They are why I love my job!
And the biggest challenge?
Not solely a challenge (this is a plus point too!), but it would have to be the pace at which the industry evolves. There are new developments, new opportunities, new capabilities every day– ad-tech definitely keeps you on your toes!
Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?
Oh, at The Trade Desk, there are SO many inspiring people I look up to - I could be here for days writing out the list! But if I were to cherry-pick two people, it would be Associate Director Sam Ward and Senior Director Stephanie Famalaro, who leads the Business Development team. It’s not necessarily their specific roles I’ve got my sights on, but the style in which they operate that I would emulate. They are inspiring leaders who always put the team first, shape the industry to be better, and are the total resident hype-girl and boy for the sales team. They champion and celebrate the big and small wins, which shapes the culture that The Trade Desk is renowned for.
Where do you turn for inspiration?
For inspiration and to spark new ideas, I take a 5 minute walk down to Manly beach, take a big deep breath and think about how fortunate I am to be where I am. As a Glasgow gal, living a stone’s throw from the beach could not be further from what I had always known, so taking the time to appreciate how lucky I am, inspires me to make the most of every day! Now I just need to convince the rest of the Maciver clan to join me!
My favourite advert is:
It would have to be the Coca Cola annual Christmas “Holidays are coming” ad, as I find this extremely emotive and nostalgic. Whenever this came on screen when I was wee, I knew Santa was just around the corner (yes, I did believe!). My mum and dad still send me photos of when they first see it on the TV screen each year. The happiest of childhood memories!
Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?
I first came to Australia when I was 16 years old on a Field Hockey tour, travelling all around the east coast to play against the local Aussie schools. We even made it to Singapore to play their national team and won!
Where do you see yourself in five years?
This is always a tough question to answer. In five years’ time, I really want to feel I have made a difference in the ad-tech world, continuing on this exciting journey with my Trade Desk crew and living my happy Aussie lifestyle - I sometimes have to pinch myself!
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