'X marks the spot' at Victoria Cross Metro Station via Houston Group

By AdNews | 26 August 2024

Construction and real estate company Lendlease has launched a brand identity and campaign for VicX, North Sydney’s new retail and food hub, via strategic brand and creative agency, Houston Group.

The arrival of the Victoria Cross Metro Station signals a new chapter in the transformation of North Sydney.

“North Sydney has always suffered somewhat of an identity crisis but Victoria Cross is a game–changer," Houston Group CEO and founder Stuart O’Brien said.

"Our job was to create an energetic brand that established a sense of place and personality and inspired people to connect with this next chapter.

“The project was so much more than establishing Victoria Cross as a destination, it was  also about providing new dimensions of meaning and character to a precinct designed with people in mind – and bring a human spirit to a transformative building development."

Houston Group was tasked with creating a brand to position this new mixed–use precinct as a dynamic, energetic and inviting destination.

Central to this was the launch campaign, ‘X marks the spot’ – embracing a shorthand of the place name to craft messaging that felt curious and connected.

Vic X is the ‘X’ that puts North Sydney back on the map. Residents, workers and visitors are encouraged to ‘find your way here’, using the logo and visual X device as a strong call to action.

The design system provided Lendlease with a flexible system that could support all kinds of communications and creative executions.

The free-form X symbol serves both as a distinctive marker for Victoria Cross and versatile frame for showcasing photography and content. 

Vic X officially opened to the public late August, offering 15 new retailers, with 7 more F&B venues, as well as re–imagined public space and pedestrian walkways coming in 2025.



Agency: Houston Group

Stuart O’Brien – CEO/Founder

Daye Moffitt – Executive Strategy Director

Alex Toohey – Executive Creative Director

Isabelle Robison – Senior Designer

Michelle Teh – Design Director

Gretel Maltabarow – Managing Director

Cate Patterson – Senior Account Manager

Michael Thebridge – Copywriter

Max Russell – Finished Artist


Client: Lendlease

Rebecca Sloan – Project Marketing Manager

Kimberley McCone – National Marketing Manager, Urban Retail

Sarah Cleggett – Marketing General Manager, Development & Investment Management

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