Wunderman Thompson's Future Shopper Report 2023

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 7 July 2023
Credit: Mike Petrucci via Unsplash

Australian consumers are predicting a future where 62% of their spending will be online in 10 years’ time, according to Wunderman Thompson Commerce’s Future Shopper Report 2023.

The research, which saw over 31,000 online shoppers participating globally across 18 markets including Australia, showed that Australian shoppers (56%) prefer to shop with a brand or retailer that has both an online and physical store. 

Over 34% of Australians say they feel they’re more digitally advanced than the brands and commerce platforms they use, with 43% of Australia’s consumers saying they wish brands would be more innovative in how they use digital technology to improve experience.

When it comes to consumers preferring to buy from retailers and brands who have a purpose that goes beyond simply selling products and services, this remains strong for Australians (60%). 40% of Australians claim they have changed their shopping habits due to concerns about global warming and the environment, while over half of Australians believe companies are not doing enough to offset their impact on the environment.

Georgia Bruton, managing partner of Shopper at Wunderman Thompson Australia, said Australian brands and retailers now have all the data at their fingertips to understand their customers more than ever before, so this means now is the time to refresh omni-channel strategies and enhance the customer's experience from end-to-end.

"Due to Australian consumers passion for the physical retail store, Australian retailers and brands have the opportunity to redefine how they create true omni-channel engagement with their customers and elevate the experience by maximising the strengths of every channel," she said.

Geoff Smeaton, CTO at Wunderman Thompson Australia, said the clear message from consumers is how hungry they are for innovation and inspiration from the brands they buy from, both online, in-store, and in new and emerging channels.

"It's clear that brands that lead with innovations such as AI, emerging payment types, voice ordering and more will win over consumers," said Smeaton.

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