Wunderman Thompson launches mentoring app across APAC ahead of global expansion

By AdNews | 8 March 2023

Wunderman Thompson’s peer-to-peer mentoring app for women has expanded across APAC after a successful launch in the UK last International Women’s Day.

Called Magpie, the app’s purpose is to empower and connect women across the business using a matchmaking style app based on each individual mentor’s expertise and knowledge. Complimenting longer-term mentoring schemes available in the industry,

Magpie connects women for peer mentorship on specific/individual needs, featuring 15 themes ranging from maternity and motherhood, leadership, building your personal brand and managing stress. 

Originally launched in the UK on International Women’s Day in 2022, the app was created by RISE, Wunderman Thompson UK’s women’s network, and was born from a desire to create a self-serve platform to form connections and support Wunderman Thompson’s women who account for 50% of the agency.

In the UK, Magpie engaged 50% of the agency’s women in the first week alone, with 20% continuing to use the app each week to connect with a mentor. Those who have been mentored on the app are already returning the favour, with growing interest in becoming a mentor and a 15% increase in mentor sign ups since launch.

After a successful pilot scheme across the agency’s APAC offices, Magpie will launch to the region’s talent on 8th March, supporting their women’s network Ladybirds, which aims to strengthen representation and gender parity across the region through networking, mentoring, events and knowledge sharing.

Lindsay Shirley, chief people officer for Wunderman Thompson APAC, said: “As senior leaders, we have an obligation to mentor and support women to build their careers and thrive at Wunderman Thompson.

"Many women have wanted a mentor but not known where to find one, Magpie has helped us bridge that gap and we’re thankful to RISE UK for it.”


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