WPP’s Gavin Bain appointed CEO at Verian APAC

By AdNews | 3 September 2024
Gavin Bain.
Verian Group, a research, behaviour change and communications advisory business, has appointed Gavin Bain, formerly CEO of Wunderman Thompson Australia, CEO for the APAC region.
He will also join the global executive of Verian, formerly known as Kantar Public prior to its divestment from Kantar.
“From the first conversation, everything about the next stage of growth for Verian grabbed me," said Bain.
"The combination of the skill set of the APAC team, and purpose of the business, with the passion for innovation and impact made this an opportunity I did not want to miss. I am delighted to be joining Verian at this time, both to lead APAC and to join the business’s international leadership team.”

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