Which brand is shooting noodles into space?

By AdNews | 26 August 2014

If you thought cooking instant noodles was a bit too easy, Miojo Instant Noodles is about to up the game.

In order to celebrate a year since the launch of the brand it's going to launch the noodles again, this time into space.

Miojo is partnering with Emmanuel Bassoleil, a French chef currently living in Brazil, who will create a recipe to go with the noddles in space and the principal sponsor, Nissin-Ajinomoto, which will document the project's results. The brand is sending an unmanned rocket to an altitude of more than 100 km and ejecting it into space.

The idea is for the meal to achieve boiling point when the capsule crosses the mesosphere on its way back home. The mesosphere is the layer of Earth's atmosphere that is responsible for, among other things, burning up meteors and now also for preparing space noodles.

If don't believe us, watch the video below for yourself:

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