‘We don’t anticipate anymore’: Mutinex leadership complete with Danny Bass

Ashley Regan
By Ashley Regan | 31 July 2024
Henry Innis, Danny Bass, John Sintras and Mat Baxter.

Marketing mix modelling platform Mutinex’s leadership is now complete, at the business’ current maturity, with ex-dentsu leader Danny Bass.

The two-year old business has been previously valued at over $100 million, the company did not currently confirm the valuation number, with 78 employees globally, most recently appointing Bass as its first chief revenue officer and prior Mat Baxter joining as APAC CEO in May.

The leadership group also has a global chief of staff and chief financial officer who help run the internal operations of the business.

The market leaders are John Sintras for the US and Mat Baxter for APAC. There’s also engineering and data leaders, and Bass now joining to drive the revenue function. 

This is exactly where the business wants to be at this stage of maturity, Mutinex co-founder and global CEO Henry Innis told AdNews, and he doesn’t anticipate more big leadership hires.

“We’re pretty set on the people we currently have, obviously these hires have been in the works for some time, we're pretty comfortable that we’ve built a good go to market leadership function and now it's about building that out and scaling the teams and build muscle around that,” Innis said.

As with most SaaS business, early on Mutinex was focused on building engineering, data and investing in constructing products. 

Now the team must deliver on scaling the business.

Bass, who officially joined on Monday, said he has a straightforward task to drive revenue both here and in the US.

“We’re about scaling now - we have an infrastructure and more products to be revealed that we want to take to the wider market,” Bass told AdNews.

“We have very clear targets as to who we want to talk to, what about and the size of those businesses. 

“We have a very healthy customer base right now - from independent agencies, holdcos and marketers - relationships which we will continue to grow, but predominantly we want to be in the market and bring in new clients here and in the US.”

Unlike Baxter who invested $500,000 into the performance and growth analytics product, Bass said his investment into the business is a private conversation.

Professionally Bass and Innis started working together when Bass was at the helm of dentsu media and introduced Mutinex into the holdco.

“What we saw with Henry, the team and the product was exactly what dentsu needed, more importantly, what clients were looking for,” Bass said.

“Agencies either build, partner or you buy and it was clear to us we couldn't match what Henry built, so why wouldn't we partner with someone like them? 

“That gave me immediate access to what was happening at Mutinex then, and the second part that really got me interested in this role is the business is solving a problem that every marketer is looking for an answer to right now.

“Whether it's a marketer that needs information to go back to the exec team and demonstrate why one budget shouldn't be cut and hopefully why budgets should increase.

“Or to ensure C suite people who may not understand marketing in the way that marketers and agencies understand the effectiveness - Mutinex can deliver that.”

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