VMO launches header bidding with Hivestack

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 29 November 2022
Sabarish Chirakkal; image supplied by VMO.

VMO has announced it has implemented a yield management framework within its programmatic offering via an integration with the Hivestack Header Bidder. 

Header Bidding is an advanced programmatic advertising technology that allows VMO to offer its inventory to multiple demand partners at the same time. 

This enables all buyers with a fair and equal opportunity to access inventory across all advertising spots. Header Bidding also helps advertisers to optimise bid prices based on the Demand Side Platform (DSP) recommended bid price to secure programmatic impressions at the market value. 

Header Bidding is an alternative to the waterfall process which has several limitations for advertisers, impacting Header Bidding allows advertisers to reach the right audience, in the right format, at the right time. 

Sabarish Chirakkal, director of programmatic at VMO, said: “VMO is leading the programmatic adoption across Australia and this technical advancement to our programmatic offering puts us in a great position to bring unparalleled and immediate benefits to our partners.” 

Mike Neel, director of publisher solutions, header bidding at Hivestack, said: “We are delighted to announce our Header Bidder partnership with VMO, a leading media owner in the ANZ market. 

“The Hivestack Header Bidder delivers a solution that saves publishers time by providing a holistic solution for SSP management as well as ensuring that programmatic revenue potential is optimised at all times. We look forward to bringing this value to VMO and their customers.” 

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