View Media Group's senior leadership shakeup

By AdNews | 31 May 2024
Antony Catalano.

View Media Group (VMG) executive chairman Anthony Catalano has reshuffled senior leadership at the real estate digital media and technology services business.

Sian Rowlands will step into a new MD of financial services role to oversee VMG’s partnership with ANZ and build out its brokerage offering.

She has been part of the VMG strategy team for the past 12 months; before this, she worked at Domain as director of commercial strategy, planning and growth and Different, a scale-up technology business in the property management space.

Damon Pezaro will oversee product strategy & development for the group as the chief product officer.

Having previously worked at Domain, leading the company’s product development, he has since worked across multiple local and international businesses in the capacity of chief product officer. 

Jordy Catalano will move from the chief product officer role into director of consumer services and markets.

His new role will have a consumer first focus building out a deep understanding of VMG's users and providing services across all adjacencies.

Barrie Bowles has been appointed digital and data director, focused on driving owned asset audience growth and maximisation of digital and data capability and opportunity for VMG businesses, partners, and clients.

He will also continue to work in product development from a digital advertising and data targeting perspective, particularly across agent and vendor products, and will drive innovation, synchronisation and commercial opportunity for VMG and its partners.

He moves to VMG from being digital lead of property media and tech agency The Today Business. He will also continue to work with The Today Business, supporting clients on digital strategy and performance outcomes.

Emily Rayner will head up content for VMG with an initial focus on’s content strategy.

She has over two decades of experience in media production and content management, driving audience engagement and brand growth across multiple platforms at companies such as BBC, ITV, SCA, NOVA and Domain Group.

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