Vale Ted Curl

By AdNews | 22 July 2024
Ted Curl.
Edward William Curl
Dec 26, 1940 – July 20, 2024


Adman Ted Curl has died after a long illness. He was 83. 

His family said he passed away in his sleep.

He started his career in London before moving to Australia in the 1960s.

From 1975 to 2005 he was a founding member, and joint creative director, of the advertising agency Magnus, Nankervis and Curl.

He was worked on numerous award-winning ads and TV commercials, including Dec-or-e in the 1980s.

"His work reflected the style and intelligence he portrayed as a man," his family said.

"A gracious, understated gentleman of great integrity, talent and humour.

"Dearly loved by his wife Stella, sons Stephen and Peter and their families."

Adman John Bevins said he would always will be in awe of Ted Curl as an art director.

"I am sure recalling him as such a great and creative adman risks trivialising him as a human, but that was the Ted I so admired," Bevins said. 

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