Val Morgan Digital partners with TheFork for new platform

Mariam Cheik-Hussein
By Mariam Cheik-Hussein | 1 March 2021

Val Morgan Digital (VMD) is partnering with restaurant booking app TheFork to launch Thrillist Serves, a digital support network for the hospitality industry.

Hosted on Thrillist Australia, VMD’s title targeting Gen Z, Thrillist Serves will act as a ‘digital storefront’ to drive audiences to book, buy and support cafes, bars and restaurants across Australia.

VMD will create custom content to promote restaurants supported by TheFork with a dedicated platform that links users directly to restaurants to book tables. There will also be a competition to give away $5,000 worth of restaurant experiences.

“Our foundations at Val Morgan Digital are about igniting important conversations across different mediums, platforms and screens,” says editor of Thrillist Australia Ben Tyers.

“The Thrillist Serves initiative really speaks to that, as we put a spotlight on our local hospitality venues and the ways in which we can support them.

“It’s been a tough 18 months for the industry between bushfires, COVID 19 and the subsequent travel restrictions so there has never been a more important time to serve the hospitality industry. Together with TheFork, I can’t wait to get started.”

The Fork, owned by Tripadvrisers, has 4,000 restaurants across Australia in its network.

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