UnLtd reveals a record-breaking $70 million social impact

By AdNews | 12 July 2023
Image supplied by UnLtd.

The media, marketing and creative industry, via its social purpose organisation UnLtd, generated a $69,996,449 social impact value in the financial year to the end of June.

This was the biggest impact recorded since UnLtd started in 2005. Social impact value measures monetary donations made to UnLtd and its 26 charity partners, skilled and unskilled volunteering hours, goods donated and media donations made.

The UnLtd annual impact report reveals that more than 7,838 hours of volunteering was recorded across the industry, a large majority of these being skilled volunteering. 4,437 people attended the 27 annual UnLtd fundraising events ranging from golf and cricket to surfing and dodgeball.

The financial year also saw UnLtd expand to New Zealand and the industry’s social enterprise, MOOD tea, national launch at supermarket chain Woolworths.

Chris Freel, CEO of UnLtd says he's grateful to the industry and all partners who create a positive impact for young people at risk.

"The last few years have not been without their challenges and it’s fantastic to see that even when times are tough, our industry is fully committed to making a positive difference in the world," he says.

Over the last 12 months UnLtd launched multiple new social impact partnerships, according to Jade Harley, director of partnerships at UnLtd.

"We’ve seen the industry throw their support behind our ‘Big Bet’ campaigns, not only helping to raise major funds for our charities but also creating positive behavioural change on important social issues," says Harley.

"Campaigns like Boys Do Cry have increased help seeking for mental health issues in men and boys and the campaign for Dolly’s Dream, which is helping to break the silence around bullying.”

Bronwyn Sheehan, Founder and CEO of The Pyjama Foundation says the support from the industry is crucial.

“With the long-term partnership UnLtd has facilitated with OMD, and the incredible support that OMD rallies from their media partners, National Pyjama Day has grown into a major nationwide fundraising date in the calendar, helping us raise over $800K last year." says Sheehan.

"Not only are we raising more funds, we are getting recognised more widely which is helping us to reach new targets and donors, giving us the chance to instill the love of learning in more and more children in foster care each year.”

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