With just a week to go until the 2018 UnLtd Big Clash, we sit down with the captains of all four teams to get to know the players a bit more.
This year the Media Owners are captained by Rob Atkinson, CEO of ARN. He once played for England in the FA Cup qualifiers, thinks he could have made it as a sports commentator, but thinks he might be out for a duck in the Big Clash.
Tomorrow we'll meet M&C Saatchi's Russell Hopson, the captain of the Creative Team, for their debut on the pitch.
Come along to watch the tournament on 8 February at Sydney Uni Oval. The Media Agency team has taken the glory for the past two years but more importantly The Big Clash has raised $130,000 to date.. There's more info here.
Full name: Rob Atkinson
Job title, company name: CEO, Australian Radio Network
Location you are based: North Ryde, Sydney
Duration in current role: 10 months
What’s your finest sporting moment on the pitch/field/court: Played in the qualifying round of the FA Cup in England.
Who is most likely to be out for a duck in this year’s UnLtd Big Clash cricket match? Me!
Why is your team going to win Big Clash? We’ve a great mix of experience, youth, talent and luck.
What does UnLtd mean to you, why are you taking part in Big Clash? ARN are active supporters of UnLtd through their work with Batyr and Musicians Making a Difference (MMAD). I think this helps all the organisations and has certainly enriched the lives of our people who have participated in the programs.
Best thing about the industry you work in: The Opportunity to provide entertainment that influences real people’s lives. It also gives us an opportunity to pay back and support communities in need through partnerships like UnLtd
Why should people come down to watch your team battle it out against the others? Free food and drink….as well as supporting a great cause!
This year the adtech team and creative team are new on the pitch - do they have a chance against the media agencies and media owners? Let’s wait and see how many “ringers” they get in...
Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?
I’ve been a guest a guest at one of the Queen’s Annual Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace.
Top networking tip: Be yourself and show warmth, curiosity and generosity, as it tends to build trust much quicker.
My favourite restaurant for a business lunch is: Toko, Surry Hills
My favourite advert is: Our latest Kyle & Jackie O TVC… is that a bit too close to home?!
My must-have gadget is: Google Home
My favourite TV show is: Narcos or Peaky Blinders
The last book I read: The Naked Investor
My mantra / philosophy is: “You don’t have to be perfect, just be you”.
I got into advertising/ad tech/marketing because: It seemed like an easy way to make a living….I was pretty naive back then.
If I wasn't doing this for a living, I'd be: A travel writer or sports commentator
Define your job in one word: Hectic!
What's your poison: Sav Blanc… easily pleased
Come down to watch the tournament in Sydney on 8 February and see if the Media Agency team can take victory for a third year running, or whether the Media Owners, Creative Agencies or AdTech team can steal the glory on the pitch. There's also a charity auction on the day. The second tournament takes palce in Fawkner Park, Melbourne on 15 February.
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