Uniplan appoints Tangram digital transformation partner

By AdNews | 3 June 2024
Uniplan team

Independent event experience agency Uniplan has appointed global operation specialists Tangram to support its digital transformation.

Tangram will consolidate operations, implement new platforms and technology to standardise processes across Uniplan’s eight global offices.

Tangram partner Christian Arpe-Hansen said the brand is excited to work with Uniplan.

"Our global team is well-positioned across EMEA and APAC to help support this transformative roadmap," Arpe-Hansen said.

“We are passionate about partnering with forward-thinking agencies like Uniplan, who prioritise digital-first innovations to drive sustainable growth.”

Uniplan chief information officer Todd Nash said the agency's extensive RFP process aimed to identify the best partner, and Tangram stood out.

“Their industry expertise and stellar reputation make them the ideal partner as we embark on our broader transformation program," Nash said.


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