Total News down slightly in latest figures

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 21 November 2022
Brooke Cagle via Unsplash.

The latest release of Total News readership shows a slight softening for news consumption, down 0.5% with 20.6 million Australians continuing to consume news in a four-week period.  

The readership figures, produced by Roy Morgan for ThinkNewsBrands, refer to the 12 months to September and shows that Total News reaches 97% of the population over the age of 14. Total News represents all news brands across print and digital as well as standalone news websites.

News readership is largely digitally driven with 19.6 of the 20.6 million readers engaging with news in digital channels each month. Less than 5% of Australians read news solely in printed format, and while print has seen a 12.2% decline in readership, due to the skew to digital news consumption overall readership has dipped by just 0.5%. 

ThinkNewsBrands GM Vanessa Lyons said: “The Total News readership data continues to demonstrate that news has a greater reach and frequency than many people think. It is important information for agencies and advertisers providing a holistic view of the size, capability and common strengths of news for their audiences.”

Demographically, Total News continues to engage all age groups including younger audiences with 96% of Australians under the age of 40 reading news each month.

This is the first readership release following the re-engineering of Roy Morgan’s digital audience measurement data which has been updated from July 2020 onwards. The digital data now calls on a broader set of inputs while the algorithm to calculate the digital audiences has been refined.

The recalibrated digital audience data feeds into Total News to present the most accurate view of audience performance and unique audience profiling and data can be compared year-on-year without a trend break. 




Last 12 months 

(4 weekly average)

Change vs. same period last year

Total News - Digital and Print

20.6 million


News - Digital

19.6 million


News - Print

12.5 million




Age group

Last 12 months 

(4 weekly average)

% Total population

Total all ages

20.6 million



3.1 million



3.6 million



5.1 million



4.5 million



4.3 million




Top 10 news brands (print & digital)

Last 12 months 

(4 weekly average)

The Sydney Morning Herald

8.4 million

The Age

5.8 million

The Herald Sun

4.4 million

The Australian

4.4 million

WAN (West Australian & Perth Now)

4.3 million

The Daily Telegraph

4.0 million

The Australian Financial Review 

3.7 million

The Courier Mail

3.0 million

The Adelaide Advertiser

1.7 million

The Saturday Paper

0.9 million



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