The Spec Sheet's 'incorrectly-dispatched' ad campaign

By AdNews | 12 June 2024

The Spec Sheet, a tool for media agencies and brands to avoid the pitfalls often involved in creating, sharing and revising ad spec sheets, has released its first ad campaign.

The digital platform, co-founded in 2022 by Sharon Gray and Jesse McLallen, is designed as a "one stop shop for ad specs".

“As a digital producer, I found myself being constantly delivered incorrect specs from media agencies, and being lost in drip-fed revisions to spec sheets. It was incredibly frustrating and the process had a lot of room for error,” Gray said.

“We want to tell brands and media agencies that, as the middle cog in the process, there’s now a much easier way to make spec sheets than the fail-prone Excel files and endless email chains of yesteryear."

The Spec Sheet’s first ad campaign demonstrates one of these errors on the big screen – DOOH ads dispatched to the wrong size – to make a point of the problem The Spec Sheet was set up to solve.

McLallen said the pair discovered there was poor communication across the board, between media owners, media agencies, and creative agencies.

“So we sought to create The Spec Sheet as a tool that would bring everyone on to the one page – literally the one webpage. With less errors in specs being shared, we could save millions of dollars in leakage across the industry," McLallen said.

The platform works as a reference point for the industry, with 80,000 unique ad specs from more than 250 media owners (along with material instructions) are stored and kept up-to-date.

One way this is done is via APIs that integrate with media owners’ booking systems.

The end result is a simpler process, McLallen said.

"Media agencies simply select and add the placements they want in their campaign, then share that live sheet with agency partners to produce against."

“For brands, this process results in far fewer errors in the specs being shared, which saves millions of dollars in leakage across the industry.”

The incorrectly-dispatched ad campaign has been very correctly dispatched to DOOH units in the vicinity of key media agencies around Sydney and Melbourne, to coincide with a month free offer.


Jesse McLallen - Co-Founder

Sharon Gray - Co-Founder

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