The secret to convincing marketers to take risks

Ashley Regan
By Ashley Regan | 19 September 2024

Delivering performance is the simple formula to give marketers the confidence to take risks, Optus head of consumer marketing Cam Luby said at MFA EX.

Luby, who has worked with major media agencies, tech companies and big brands throughout his career, said he spends 90% of his time on performance as a marketer. This includes focusing on the performance of his teams, the business and media plans.

For advertising performance is about great ads, reaching the right people, enough of the time.

"Once you've got that in place, that provides the safety net enabling marketers to take risks," Luby said.

"I think [media buyers] should be spending about 20% of your time and 80% of the budget just demonstrating that you can really clearly deliver on that for clients.

"So don't come in with the big, exciting, new, flashy, different.

"It's about delivering the confidence that you know how to drive the business forward, and that's with a clear, simple plan that we know is going to deliver performance for the business."

Agency staff need to hold back on the razzle dazzle.  

"It's really hard to take a risk if you don't have confidence that you're going to deliver for the business," Luby said.

"So if you know you've got a clear plan in place, risks are much easier.

"I think the very first thing that media agencies need to do is be able to demonstrate that you understand the business, and understand how we're going to drive this thing forward.

"Then once you've put that in place, you can start talking about all the incredible things you want to do, and marketers, I think, will be much more receptive to it." 

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