The 'red flags' staff saw before an advertising agency went into liquidation

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 7 June 2024
Credit: Mikael Seegen via Unsplash

Staff noticed what they now describe as "red flags" at No Standing before the digital marketing agency went into voluntary liquidation

"I was always paid late ... I'd be shocked if my superannuation ever turns up," an insider who did not want to be named told AdNews.

"There's an extreme lack of communication [within the business].. employees are constantly having to chase management for answers saying 'hey, this is wrong' or 'what's happening with this?'."

Other staff, who also spoke to AdNews anonymously, told a similar story around late payments and missing superannuation.

“Over the course of five or six years, they’ve owed staff superannuation. They went on a payment plan with the ATO about five years ago, but didn't stick to it. They've never paid staff on time," a source said.

“The communication around it has just been awful and ... just really upsetting.” 

The liquidation has left 17 staff without jobs and with pay owing, according to documents lodged with corporate regulator ASIC.

Daniel Juratowitch of Cor Cordis has been appointed liquidator for the  Melbourne-based agency founded in 2016. He is yet to issue a liquidator's report.

He estimates the company owes more than $2.5 million, including more than $1.3 million to the Australian Tax Office. Staff are listed as being owed a total of $280,434.73.

A company with a similar name, No Standing International Pty Ltd, was formed on March 20. A winding up motion for the original company, No Standing, was passed on May 1 and Juratowitch appointed. 

Staff, who did not want to be named, said they were told that new employment contracts were coming for No Standing International but these had so far not materialised. 

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