The Media That Moves Network partners with LUMOS

By AdNews | 29 May 2024
Domino’s ad campaign by Media That Moves Network.

The Media That Moves Network (MTMN), a network of mobile billboards and digital screens, has partnered with tech company LUMOS.

MTMN clients can now access demographics of people reached on their mobile OOH campaign including gender, age, interests and buying habits.

After identifying real consumers, they’ll be able to retarget them with ads to their mobile devices.

Clients of MTMN include TK Maxx, Domino's, state governments, Coles and Woolworths.

MTMN director Charles Tremlett said the partnership is part of a 'David and Goliath' battle.

"For so long, the national OOH providers have used their scale to dominate, but now we’re offering data and metrics that give us a competitive edge," he said.

“Not all data is created equal. Our metrics are so much more detailed than the Outdoor Media Association’s OOH audience measurement tool, MOVE, which uses historical averaged data rather than real time data.

"Using LUMOS means we can deliver budget Digital OOH campaigns across a whole city and make every advertising dollar hit the mark."

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