Gender pay disparities are still a pressing concern, with women in publishing earning 16.4% less than men and those in broadcasting 11.8% less, according to a study by Women in Media.
The company-level gender gap in total remuneration in Australia’s media companies averages 10%.
Women, who are generally better educated than men, make up 49% of the media workforce but hold only 30% of CEO and managing director roles.
The lobby group Women in Media has compiled a first-of-its-kind dataset with comprehensive analysis of gender equality in the Australian media.
The Women in Media Dataset, compiled by economist Leonora Risse, uses publicly available information to shed light on both progress and persistent barriers.
"This report lays bare the stark reality: while women make up nearly half of Australia’s media workforce, they remain vastly underrepresented in the decision-making roles that shape our news, culture, and public debate,” said Dr Risse.
“True gender equality isn’t just about numbers – it’s about power, influence, and opportunity."
Petra Buchanan, strategic advisor at Women in Media, said the dataset offers the insights and transparency to drive meaningful, systemic change.
“Understanding the data is just the starting point,” said Buchanan.
“Now, it’s up to industry leaders, employers, and policymakers to take actionable steps toward creating lasting progress.
“The current global pushback against diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives serves as a reminder that progress is not guaranteed – it must be actively defended and advanced.”
The study finds the average age of women in the media industry, at 41, is slightly younger than that of men, at 43.
Women in the media are less diverse in cultural background and socio-economic advantage than their male colleagues, which the report says points to the additional barriers and biases that women from marginalised backgrounds face when attempting to enter and advance their careers in the industry.
Women in the media sector are generally more highly educated than their male counterparts, which the report says can reflect workplace biases that evaluate men’s on-the-job experience and perceived potential more highly than women’s, leading more women to invest in formal qualifications as a way to validate capabilities.
Manager roles in the media industry – Gender composition by occupation
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