The Australian's ramped up business offering attracting advertisers

Sarah Homewood
By Sarah Homewood | 13 October 2014

News Corp has rebranded and relaunched the business section of The Australian newspaper, and the paper's CEO Nicholas Gray told AdNews it's boosting the paper's appeal with advertisers.

NAB was a launch partner for the renamed The Australian Business Review, and Gray said the the new section means greater potential for advertisers.

“Advertisers can buy ads on specific pages that they know will be there everyday, so you can now buy the primespace page every day, the financial services page everyday, or the Wall Street Journal pages, that's a new opportunity,” Gray said.

The launch also sees more frequent digital coverage and better digital opportunities for advertisers and Gray said that ad bookings are looking healthy.

“We're on track to be ahead of last year in print adverting in October, you know that's partly reflective of the initial demand for The Australian Business Review, we've got good support on day one from The National Australia Bank and there’s good demand in the coming week.”

The launch of the new section will be supported by a marketing campaign created by Archibald / Williams. View the TVC below.

Gray added that it has revamped the business section to show its commitment as rivals are lessening their business offerings in print.

Gray told AdNews: “Overall the investment in business coverage in print is falling, so we wanted to bolster at a time where others are cutting back,” he said.

“We wanted to bolster our ranks so we could have the deepest and highest quality coverage, we've gotten a lot of feedback that that's what was needed and so far we've had positive feedback of the new section.”

Gray said that the new section was a commitment by the paper to have 14-15 broadsheet papers a day, where previously the number of pages in the section was determined by how many pages were being used by the front of the book.

“After doing a lot of research, to be the number one in business we needed to have greater pagination and depth of content everyday, part of this a commitment having 14-15 broadsheet pages everyday,” he said.

As part of the greater offering there are pages which will now feature in the section everyday such as a financial services page, the Wall Street Journal pages, primespace and exchange.

The renaming of the section is an homage to what the section was called when the paper launches in 1964, with Gray reiterating that the launch of the revamped section had been a long time coming, “In one sense the rebrand is the culmination of years of investing in business and closing the gap against the traditional competitor, so having a big re-brand and a big PR push is sort of a coming out party,” he said.

The campaign was created by Archibald Williams. UM handled media planning and buying.

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